Sunday 20 August 2006

Day 11

Okay, okay, okay. I did something really dumb yesterday. Karen's been fighting a summer chest cold and she had to work some overtime yesterday so I decided that I would try and cut the grass in the back yard even though I'm not supposed to. I felt bad for her because she also has to take Kira for 2 walks a day and I haven't been able to help lately. Anyways, it took me roughly 40 minutes and by the time I was done my foot and ankle was sooo swollen that I could feel the pressure from my cast (not to mention the painful throbbing I could feel). After a cool shower (with a garbage bag over the cast) and two extra strength Advil Gelcaps I headed to the basement and elevated my pounding ankle. It took 2 hours for the pain to subside and I then realized that sometimes I can be a complete idiot (obviously Karen's insight to this moniker was correct). I figured all was over and done with, and would just write this one down for the books, but when I woke up this morning I could tell that I over did it yesterday. The throbbing was back, albeit not like yesterday, but there nonetheless. I popped some more gelcaps and I was ready to go for the day. I'm going to take it easy tomorrow as I'm off for the day and will just stay at home and not, I repeat NOT, put any pressure on my foot. I have a goal in mind and I WILL golf by the end of September, contrary to what the doctor believes.

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