Wednesday 8 August 2007

For Cancer Care

It all started with a full head of hair and a desire to raise money for Cancer Care.

a few zips here, a few zips there, then LOOK OUT...

....and all thats left is a nice tuft of hair in front and a few splotches here and there...

...then Kristina the semi-professional cleans me all up, plus show a little down blouse and look what happened.
They say a true sculpter removes all the unnecessary clay to the beauty within. I believe this to be true as you can see by the last picture.

Thank you to all that participated and donated as we raised $254. Special thanks to Shelly and Chris (the Social Commitee), Vince for bringing in the clippers, Wally who donated the most just to give me the first swipe (right down the middle) and all the people at work and those that showed up. Kristina took some annual leave to be there, and also the Casuals came...ahhh number 2 and number 4 I think. A special thanks also for our cooks at the BBQ, Real and James. And a big thank you to Sue for taking care of the donation organization and again to Shelly for starting and managing this whole process. If I missed anyone its because part of my brain must have been sheared off with the hair.

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