Friday 1 September 2006

Day 23

Well, I had my doctor's appointment yesterday at 3:20. I was taken in within 10 minutes and had my cast removed and my leg and foot cleaned. From there I hobbled to the xray department and had 3 xrays taken. I then hobbled back and only had to wait another 10 minutes to my doctor. He was suprised at how fast my fracture healed and told me that if he were to put on another cast it would only be for another week at the rate it was healing. He then told me if I promised not to bend my foot he would let me go with just a tensor wrap. Of course I took his recomendation and today I feel free after 3 itchy, smelly weeks. I obviously didn't pay enough attention to the nurse when he wrapped up my ankle as my foot swelled up like a balloon by this evening as I didn't have it tight enough. Oh well, live and learn.
Our company golf tournament is this coming thursday (Karen's B-day) and I will be golfing, although probably with my short irons only. Looks like I'm going to achieve my goal of golfing again this season. Ha ha, take that ankle!

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