Saturday 9 October 2010

Sprayed by a skunk!

At 6am on Friday Kira was outside barking away.
A few minutes later she jumped into bed and was rolling around.
Poor Kira was protecting her property from foul vermin and got sprayed by a skunk!
I bathed her for half an hour while Karen ran to 7/11 to find some tomato juice.
Well, no tomato juice available so she went to Safeway (which wasn't opened yet) and then returned to 7/11 to buy some V8 juice.
We had to hurry to get to work and when we arrived home friday evening the house smelled (even tho all the windows were open), the sheets and towels stunk along with a few rugs that are ruined.
Oh yeah, Kira still smelled.
Here are some pictures of us trying tomato juice on Friday night.
This didn't work that well either so we went to the pet store to pick up some heavy duty skunky remover.

Guess we'll have to wait to see if this works.
(oh yeah, the $1000 mattress might be toast)

1 comment:

Lesley said...

We had the same thing happen last year with Jake and it was HORRIBLE. Fresh skunk smells more like burnt rubber and it lasted for months in the house. Every now and then, when he gets wet, we still get whiffs of it off Jake. We used hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and sunlight which worked a little better than Tomato juice. We boiled vinegar and water for the house and sprinkled coffee on the was a nightmare!!!